America was founded on the concept of equality and the rule of law without which there can only be one outcome which will effect everyone – chaos. A forum like this can help us come together to find solutions and be the solutions no matter the challenges we face.
Jaron Williams (Demo)
Benjamin Franklin said that “we can hang together or hang separately”. It is time for all Americans no matter party of ideology to hang together or we will be hanging separately for a long time to come if no changes are made this November, 2020. Please go out and vote for change.
Alan Wan (Demo)
“Winning For America” is about winning for “all” Americans. We need to fight for each other rather than fighting against each other. This is the slogan and this is the solution that is needed for such a time as this to fight our common enemies be it health care or wealth care. This is the kind of forum that is needed for all Americans to come together regularly no matter any differences to rebuild and restore America.